I own way more cameras that I would ever need, although I have quite a pleasure to use them all.
The ones I use for portraits
- Hasselblad 501CM
- Pentax 67
- Mamiya RZ67
The ones I use for street photography
- Nikon FM2n (a pure mechanical joy)
- Nikon F100 (when I am lazy)
The large format beasts
- Sinar P (6kg without lens!)
- Chamonix 45F-2 (only 1.6Kg without lens)
The very first ones I used
- Yashica Electro 35 GSN
- Pentacon Six TL (that I take for a ride from time to time)
I also have a Nikon D810 because...you know...my kids move too fast sometimes
Analog recipes
Although I like to try things, I mostly use Ilford films, especially since Kodak has been increasing prices exponentially. I move from T-grain to traitional cubic grain films based on the mood of the moment. In the first case I almost exclusively use XTOL (and now XT-3), in the second case I use D76 or Rodinal (even in semi-stand development). Occasionally I might also enjoy Microphen when pushing two stops.
The best combos I ever used are:
- Fuji Acros 100 in Rodinal 1+50 or 1+100 semistand
- Ilford HP5+400 pushed at 800 in D76 or XTOL
- Ilford Delta 400 pushed at 800 in XTOL
- Ilford FP4+125 in D76
- Kodak TriX400 pushed at 800 in Rodinal 1+50

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